Guest Blog- Busting Myths on Total Knee Arthroplasty

Even in 2018, there is a lot of misconception around Total Knee Arthroplasty and when you actually need it. If you are having severe joint pain which is unresponsive to activity modification and over the counter medicine, then you must seek evaluation by an orthopaedic surgeon. Chronic pain can negatively impact your daily life. If you feel that knee pain is meddling with your lifestyle, then immediately see a specialist. Medication and physio-therapy should always be explored before joint replacement is considered. And if joint replacement is required, then it is the best long-term solution available to restore your mobility.
During the knee replacement operation, the surgeon removes bone surfaces from the ends of the thigh-bone (Femur), shin bone (Tibia) and Knee Cap (Patella). These are then replaced with an artificial surface which is made of steel alloy and high-grade plastic. The latest innovation implants are now completely customized which is done by computer topography. Your surgeon will help you to choose the right implant after thorough assessment. Using innovative technology customized geometric shape is cut so that the implant can be fixed perfectly with bone cement. Two avoid friction usually washer type plastic is put in-between.
Age is undoubtedly not a limiting factor for joint replacement surgery. In last two decades this surgery has proved to be an enduring solution as joint replacement today lasts more than 20 years on an average. The quality of life one achieves after replacement surgery has immensely improved over the years.With minimally invasive techniques, recovery is faster. Patients receive post-surgery physio-therapy to recover better while at home. Your knee movements will never be limited and over the course of time range of movement will increase. You can get back to low-impact activities within 5-6 weeks while high-impact activities take some more time. The concerned surgeon can suggest the best solution for you.
Dr. C. S. Dhar, Senior Consultant at CK Birla Hospitals- CMRI Department of Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement says, “Knee replacement has become very popular in Western countries since early 90’s and follow up studies of last 30 years show successful clinical outcome. With latest innovation implants are now completely customized which is done by computer topography. Patients in the older age group between 75-90 generally benefit from knee replacement surgery, while lifestyle modification and medication can bring significant change in younger patient depending on their condition.”
Post-surgery, the risk of infection remains around 2% which is negligible as every well-equipped hospital handles that well. With an experienced surgeon the advanced skill-set and methodology at work bring significant perfection in the operation. Though immediately after surgery mobilization might be restricted, but it improves gradually giving a better quality of life to the patient. However, don’t put off knee replacement surgery as your last resort till you are completely unable to move. It is important to consult a highly-trained surgeon before you choose to undergo a surgery. With advanced medical technology total knee arthroplasty is now painless with minimum scarring leading to faster recovery and definitely a better quality of life.
About the Author- Dr. C. S. Dhar, Senior Consultant at CK Birla Hospitals- CMRI Department of Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement