Guest Blog: Diabetics Are Twice Likely To Succumb To Kidney Failure

Guest Blog: Diabetics Are Twice Likely To Succumb To Kidney Failure

Guest Blog: Diabetics Are Twice Likely To Succumb To Kidney Failure


Pertaining to a multitude of factors, including diabetic changes in the kidneys as well as vascular changes due to hypertension, kidney diseases in diabetics is much higher and on a constant rise among Indians. While most of the risk factors for kidney disease due to diabetes can be modified, with timely diagnosis, advanced medications, and lifestyle changes, the condition is manageable and treatable.

Despite the fact that the prevalence of kidney disease in India is around 10%, the awareness about the complications associated with the disease is very low. It is especially important to talk to patients with diabetes about their risk factors for the development of kidney disease since they are twice as likely to develop renal ailments than those without diabetes. By talking with patients who have diabetes about kidney disease, the disease may be diagnosed early, and patients can take steps to help slow its progression.

Hypertension and diabetes go hand in hand, and in most people with diabetes, hypertension adds an additional risk factor for diabetic kidney disease. Hypertension gradually prevents proper kidney functioning and damages the kidney and leads to end-stage renal failure if not managed timely.

“However, just like any other chronic ailment, kidney disease has very few early symptoms. It is evident from the fact that many patients in India are diagnosed for the first time with only 10% renal functioning, and are on the verge of end-stage renal failure. While many patients can be asymptomatic for kidney disease for a long time, despite suffering from the condition, timely detection plays a major role in preventing or slowing down the progression. The end goal for treating kidney disease as early as possible is to prevent kidney failure, which is when the kidneys have lost most of their ability to function. By preventing kidney failure, you avoid end-stage renal disease, which is the stage at which dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed to survive” said Dr. Salil Jain, Director & HOD, Nephrology and Kidney Transplant, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram.

Diagnosing and managing kidney disease early can prevent complications, particularly cardiovascular complications. Many physicians and researchers are not aware that among people with diabetes, kidney disease doubles the risk for cardiovascular disease as well.

“Kidney disease progresses relatively slowly with few or no symptoms, so there is a very long window of opportunity to personalize and adjust treatment to a patient’s situation. The first and most important way to prevent or slow kidney disease in people with diabetes, whether it’s type 1 or type 2 diabetes, is to manage blood glucose levels. Glucose levels should be monitored regularly. Another way to help prevent or slow kidney disease progression is by managing blood pressure. This is particularly important in patients with type 2 diabetes, who often have high blood pressure” added Dr. Jain.

About the author- Dr. Salil Jain, Director & HOD, Nephrology and Kidney Transplant, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram

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