Guest Blog: Diet And Change In Lifestyle Controls Endometriosis

Guest Blog: Diet And Change In Lifestyle Controls Endometriosis

Guest Blog: Diet And Change In Lifestyle Controls Endometriosis


According to Endometriosis Society of India estimates that more than 25 million Indian women, which is 2.5 crores, suffer from Endometriosis which is a leading cause of infertility as well.

Dr. Vimee Bindra – Endometriosis Excision Surgery Specialist & Co-Founder “ENDOCRUSADERS” recommends the following diet and lifestyle changes for Endometriosis patients to lead a healthy life.

An anti-inflammatory diet is highly recommended for endometriosis as inflammation plays an important role in pain and infertility so reducing inflammation helps.

Foods to be avoided 

  • Highly processed foods
  • Sugars & sweets
  • Oily foods
  • Caffeine
  • Red meat
  • Alcohol
  • Also, gluten to be avoided for some

Foods that work well for endo patients to reduce inflammation 

  • Plenty of organic vegetables and fruits
  • Magnesium-rich foods
  • Greens family
  • Healthy fats
  • Seeds and nuts in moderation

Here also we would like to agree upon the customization of diet according to ones eating habits and allergies.

Pelvic physiotherapy is recommended for endometriosis patients that helps in reducing fibrosis and movement associated pain and also identifying pelvic pain generators is important.

We would like to mention that there is no prevention for endometriosis as it has a genetic association for its causation so changing lifestyle and diet helps it manage better.

About the author- Dr. Vimee Bindra, Endometriosis Excision Surgery Specialist & Co-Founder “ENDOCRUSADERS

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