Guest Blog: The Risk Of Heart Related Diseases Is High Amid Increasing Cold

Guest Blog: The Risk Of Heart Related Diseases Is High Amid Increasing Cold

Guest Blog: The Risk Of Heart Related Diseases Is High Amid Increasing Cold


Heart-related diseases account for a large number of deaths in India. Cases related to it are among the biggest causes of illness and death in India. Even more important is that 25 percent of these cases are of patients who ignore mild symptoms. The burden of cardiac cases is already very high, on top of that the entry of winter has added to it.

In such a situation, it is necessary to get information about the early symptoms of cases like heart attack so that the disease can be detected as soon as possible and better treatment can bring correct results on time. If you feel heaviness in your chest or you do not feel well or if there is difficulty in breathing, then consult a doctor if you have such problems.

Greater Noida Location Yatharth Super Specialty Hospital cardiologist, HOD & Senior Consultant Dr. Pankaj Ranjan pointed out that The biggest reason behind the increase in heart diseases in winter is because blood vessels shrink due to maintaining body temperature in cold. This increases the BP, as well as puts more stress on the heart. When it is cold outside, there is a need to keep the body warm, in such a situation, a person has the desire to eat more, and the attraction towards junk food increases more. In such a situation, there are chances that more calories reach the body and due to less physical activity, the person becomes lazy, increases in weight, increases in bad cholesterol, and also increases in lipid level. All these reasons put pressure on the heart to do more work. The heart has to work harder to run the body properly. That is the load on the heart increases.

Not all heart patients have the same symptoms. Angina chest pain is the most common symptom, but symptoms can vary. Some have very mild symptoms, some feel uncomfortable as if the digestion process is not correct, while some also get pain, and feel heaviness in the middle of the chest, which later spreads to the arms, jaws, and waist and reaches the stomach, as well as the heartbeat starts increasing and the breath starts going up and down. It is very important to identify all these symptoms and detect the disease at the right time so that treatment can be given at the right time. If a heart attack is managed within the first few hours, the health of the heart can be restored and the patient can be cured.

‘Many types of work have to be done to keep the health of the heart right. In this, lifestyle changes have to be made, medicines have to be taken, as well as other non-surgical treatments. Some ways are very easy by which the heart can be kept right. Everyone should take healthy and balanced food, keep exercising, stay away from smoking, and keep cholesterol and sugar under control. If someone has heart failure or cardiovascular disease, it proves that their heart is not as healthy as it should be.

Valvular heart problems are also life-threatening, and valve replacement is the only option left in such cases. But with the recent progress in the medical field, some new methods of treatment have also come. The leaking valve can be fixed without surgery through the catheter-based Mitra clip. In such cases, if untreated, there is a possibility of heart enlargement, shortness of breath, and even heart failure. Cardiac surgeries have become very advanced now. Now minimally invasive surgeries are being done, which are very small surgeries, and there is no pain after the operation. In the case of heart failure, treatment like ECMO, and LVAD has helped in maintaining life.

In heart-related diseases, it is very important to have a timely diagnosis of the disease and to reach the nearest hospital in time. Due to this, the function of the patient’s heart can be restored even in case of a heart attack or heart failure. An even easier way is that obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure can be avoided by eating to a limit. By doing this, the chances of heart failure and heart attack can also be reduced.

About the author- Dr. Pankaj Ranjan, Yatharth Super Specialty Hospital cardiologist, HOD & Senior Consultant

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