Guest Blog- Timely Intervention Can Reverse Erectile Dysfunction in Men

As cases of erectile dysfunction are on the rise attributing to prolonged workplace stress and adaptation to poor lifestyle habits like smoking, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and binging on alcohol, more and more young population are getting targeted.
Indian men being highly vulnerable to erectile dysfunction, feel embarrassed to admit such ailment. Apart from being a social stigma, ED can be as devastating to the self esteem of the patient and his partner.
It is important to spread awareness about erectile dysfunction among men.
Men should come forward regarding the medical disorder and they should not feel ashamed or embarrassed in admitting it.
“Apart from being a direct cause for ED, stress also accounts for ailments like hypertension and diabetes which itself is a gateway for a number of diseases that ultimately causes impotence in men. Erectile dysfunction can be reversed once an individual starts medication and make significant lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, yoga, abstaining from alcohol and smoking and proper counselling can help in treating” said Dr Anjani Agarwal, Senior Consultant & Unit Head (Andrology) – Urology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket.
Erectile dysfunction or commonly known as impotence is the inability to maintain or attain the erection adequate for the sexual satisfaction of both the partners. A recent study revealed that men who smoke cigarettes have a significantly higher risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction. People who quit smoking right away are likely to have improved symptoms of erectile dysfunction than who those keep on smoking.
“An estimated 16% to 25% of men experience ED at some point in their life. If left untreated, it can severely damage the sexual life of men and ability to engage in sex. Along with modification in lifestyle practices, medicines for ED which are usually prescribed for about 3 to 6 months, start to take effect and the patient feels physically and mentally healthier, assisting in resolving the problem. Timely consultation from urologist and andrologist can help in treating erectile dysfunction and the patient can enjoy his sexual life again” added Dr Anjani.
About the author- Dr Anjani Agarwal, Senior Consultant & Unit Head (Andrology) – Urology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket