Guest Blog- Why Coconut Oil is A Favorite Pick Among Celebrities?

Guest Blog- Why Coconut Oil is A Favorite Pick Among Celebrities?

Guest Blog- Why Coconut Oil is A Favorite Pick Among Celebrities?


Among the many trends that seem to come and go, coconut oil has been trending for some time now. It’s hard to ignore its benefits and everyone seems to be catching on. Celebrities being no exception, coconut oil is now the preferred choice for hair care by Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Miranda Kerr, Emma Stone, and several others. Our guess is that they have experienced the nourishing and moisture-laden benefits of coconut oil first hand.

Enriched with Vitamin C and E:

The two vital vitamins for hair health are abundantly present in coconut oil. It is no wonder then that its benefits are clearly visible. Hair health is rejuvenated from the inside, along with scalp health that reduces hair loss, split ends, and thinning. Ask the celebs what they call it, and they’ll tell you it’s the ‘superfood’ for hair. In the words of Mindy Kaling, “my mom makes me heat up coconut oil, put it in my hair, and wrap it in a towel. It keeps it shiny.”The benefits are numerous in multiple domains, other than hair too.

Excellent Choice for A Hair Spa:

So many Bollywood beauties, and now Hollywood too, use coconut oil as the go-to treatment for a hair spa. Priyanka Chopra, who now fits both industries, chooses only coconut oil for a head massage and loves the effects. If you want a DIY method at home to add spectacular shine, heat up the oil, apply to your hair, and wrap it in a towel. Voila! It’s really just that simple.

Ideal As A Serum:

They’re busy and live a fast-paced life. Much like most of us, celebrities may not always have the time for a luxurious pampering experience. Even so, coconut oil is the savior. A favorite hack is to use it as a serum and rub the oil on freshly washed hair for a frizz-free, shiny look. As an added benefit, your hands will feel soft and plump too. Gwyneth Paltrow even uses it as part of her oral care regimen.

An Innovative Guard:

Blake Lively shared a protection secret about how her mum applies coconut oil to the roots of the hair, before shampooing. It protects the ends from drying out and leaves your hair feeling moisturized, even after intensive cleaning. Even Nicole Richie swears by coconut oil for the ultimate repair.

If you find yourself pining over the shining hair of your favorite celebrity, know that you’re probably just a coconut oil bottle away from the same look.

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