Heartfulness And The MCCI Celebrated World Yoga Day

Heartfulness And The MCCI Celebrated World Yoga Day

Heartfulness And The MCCI Celebrated World Yoga Day


Heartfulness and the Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI) joined hands to celebrate World Yoga Day as ‘Yoga for Unity’ at the Heartfulness Meditation Centre in Kolkata.

To show the universality of Yoga, The Hon’ble Consul General of People’s Republic of China – H.E. Mr. Zha Liyou, Hon’ble Consul General of Australia – H.E. Ms. Rowan Ainsworth, and Hon’ble Consul General of Nepal – H.E. Mr. Eshor Raj Poudel were the Chief Guests at the event. Other dignitaries gracing the event included Mr. Rishabh C Kothari – President, MCCI, and actress Debjani Chatterjee.

The event was open to everyone and encouraged participation from all social groups, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, or any other identity. The Heartfulness Meditation Centre hosted the event, which attracted over 200 participants who benefited from the Heartfulness method of yoga and meditation. The Chief Guests then led an insightful discussion in which they discussed their views on yoga and the heartfulness meditation.

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