Horlicks Diabetes Plus Introduced As Nutritional Beverage For Indian Adults

India ranks #2 after China, with the prevalence rate of diabetes set to double in the next 25 years. While diabetes continues to be an emerging threat with 7.3% of India’s population being diabetic and a further 10.3% being prediabetic, there are almost 1 in 2 diabetics that go undiagnosed.
Keeping these alarming figures and consumer needs in mind, the Horlicks Plus range has forayed into the segment of Diabetes. Diabetes Plus, introduced by Horlicks is a nutritional beverage that has been designed for Indian adults. It contains high fiber (22% of dual blend fiber). Research has shown that a diet rich in fiber helps reduce glucose and lipids in the blood. Horlicks Diabetes Plus is high in protein and contains 16 vital nutrients. It contains Fibersol-2 and NUTRIOSE®. These fibers are known to promote satiety and reduce calorie intake.
Horlicks Diabetes Plus recently introduced its first TVC to highlight the importance of fiber for diabetic patients.