Interactive Session on Success of Rare Case of Cardiac Intervention

Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah organized an interactive session on the success of the rare case of cardiac intervention. Present at the event was Dr Suman Mallik, Clinical Doctor, NSH, Howrah, Subhasis Bhattacharya, Facility Director, NSH, Howrah, Dr Davod Rozario, Consultant Intervention Cardiology, NSH, Howrah and the patient Ashoke Nath Kumar.
The patient was admitted to the hospital as he was suffering from compressive left side chest pain which radiated to the left arm. He had previously undergone PCI with stents to the LAD in 2016. The Coronary Angiogram revealed instent restenosis of the LAD stent with stent under expansion. He therefore underwent Rotational Atherectomy of the instent restenosis of the under expanded stent.
The other patient Sachindra Nath Roy aged 69 was admitted due to sudden onset of dysponea. The Coronary Angiogram revealed severe calcific disease in two of the major arteries of the heart. He was cured by using a staged procedure doing Rotational Atherectomy with stenting to the proximal, mid and distal LAD.
Due to lifestyle changes, there has been an increase in heart diseases in India. Hence it is very important to go for checkups after you reach 35 years age, as heart problems can be treated easily with early detection.
Priyanka Dutta