International Brands Incorporate Social Distancing In Their Logos

International Brands Incorporate Social Distancing In Their Logos

International Brands Incorporate Social Distancing In Their Logos


The global pandemic of COVID-19 has impacted every life in the world and it has changed the way the world functions.


With the entire world practicing social distancing and staying home, social media usage has increased. And with that, the competition to stay relevant in these tough times has become fiercer. The world of advertising and branding is going through a sea change and witnessing a global trend.


International brands like McDonald’s, LinkedIn, Starbucks, Master Card, Nike, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and many others have incorporated the message of social distancing in their logos. Brands are changing the unique signature that they have held onto for decades in these times of global tragedy with the aim of reaching out to their consumers and spread awareness about the deadly Coronavirus.

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