IoT based Electronic Devices Gandhvedh And Vayuvedh Provides Data About Condition Of Public Toilets

IoT based Electronic Devices Gandhvedh And Vayuvedh Provides Data About Condition Of Public Toilets

IoT based Electronic Devices Gandhvedh And Vayuvedh Provides Data About Condition Of Public Toilets


Sedibuz Consulting LLP is one of the country’s leading government consulting firms, with a well-coordinated team of consultants and technical experts. They have a strong track record of working with government agencies and have extensive experience doing so. Municipal Corporations, Smart Cities, Public Utilities (Electricity, Water, and Gas), State and Central Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, and Public Infrastructure Agencies are among the organizations with which they collaborate. Technology services and solutions, financial and business advisory, tax and regulatory, and risk advisory services are among the services they provide. Their goal is to help our country by utilizing technological advancements.

Many products are included in the government’s investment in Swatch Bharat and the Digital India Mission. Gandhvedh and Vayuvedh are two revolutionary products among them.

Gandhvedh is an (IoT)-based electronic device that measures odor, the total volatile organic compound (TVOC), temperature, and humidity. Gandhvedh detects foul odors emanating from toilets, which are primarily caused by human urine and feces. People usually avoid using toilets because of the foul odor that emanates from them. Our product assists users in locating toilets that emit an unpleasant odor. Gandhvedh provides information to Community Based Organizations, NGOs, and the Government about the condition of toilets they are maintaining through its unique dashboard, chart views, and mobile alerts.


Vayuvedh, on the other hand, is an IoT-based electronic device that monitors different types of harmful gases and particulates in the air. Vayuvedh collects and stores data on invisible air constituents that may pose a threat to human life but are often overlooked because they are not visible. Individuals, governments, facility service providers, and hospitals can use mobile and web applications to learn about various gases. When set levels are exceeded, it also sends out alerts and safety tips to users.

With such devices, people will be more aware of the common toilets that they can use without having to think about hygiene and other issues.

Priyanka Dutta

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