Khuti Puja Of Naba Jubak Sangha Kali Puja (Fata Keshto Kali Puja) Organized

Khuti Puja Of Naba Jubak Sangha Kali Puja (Fata Keshto Kali Puja) Organized

Khuti Puja Of Naba Jubak Sangha Kali Puja (Fata Keshto Kali Puja) Organized


The “Khuti puja” of Naba Jubak Sangha Kali puja (Fata Keshto Kali puja) took place at Fata Keshto Kali Pujo premises ( Sitaram Ghosh Street, near College Street Bata).

Gracing the occasion was Tapas Ray (MLA ), Kunal Ghosh, Jeet Ganguly, Prabandha Roy (Fanta da).

Fata Keshto’s Kali Pujo is among the most renowned Kali Pujos organized in Kolkata. Many eminent personalities have attended this eminent Kali Pujo over the years.

Like other years, the Puja Committee will be organizing the Kali Puja with much devotion and enthusiasm.

Priyanka Dutta

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