Kidney Health for All- Bridge The Knowledge Gap To Better Kidney Care

Kidney Health for All- Bridge The Knowledge Gap To Better Kidney Care

Kidney Health for All- Bridge The Knowledge Gap To Better Kidney Care


World Kidney Day is a global campaign that is organized every year in March to raise awareness about kidney health and the different diseases affecting the kidney.

A joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundation (IFKF), the World Kidney Day celebration began in 2006. This year the theme was “Kidney Health for All” and aimed to bridge the knowledge gap about kidney diseases across all levels of health care starting from the community to medical professionals and policymakers. Kidney disease is projected to be the fifth leading cause of death by 2040. The progression of most of these kidney diseases can be slowed, if not reversed when diagnosed and treated early.

Prof (Dr) Apurba Ghosh, Director, Institute of Child Health, Kolkata, Prof (Dr) Rajiv Sinha, Head, Division of Paediatric Nephrology, Institute of Child Health, Kolkata; Organiser of ‘Prayas’ and Prof (Dr) Joydeb Roy, Head of Department. Paediatric Medicine graced the press conference.

Kidney diseases in adults may have their origin during childhood. The Pediatric Nephrology Division of the Institute of Child Health, Kolkata started a month-long initiative called ‘Prayas’ on the occasion of World Kidney Day this year with the aim of spreading awareness about kidney health in children. It kicked off with a renal health screening program for children of Future Hope School, Kolkata.

Awareness programs were organized for parents caring for children with kidney diseases and Nursing Officers of ICH Kolkata. An online quiz competition was conducted to create interest in childhood kidney disorders amongst doctors pursuing post-graduate courses in pediatrics in various medical colleges across West Bengal.

The month-long initiative culminated in a walk across a small stretch of Kolkata from Don Bosco School to the Institute of Child Health on 10th March 2022 consisting of doctors, parents, and eminent personalities with colorful banners, slogans, and balloons to raise awareness about kidney health. At the end of the walk, fighter children who have been battling kidney diseases for a long time were felicitated.

With awareness about kidney health and kidney diseases, people can save themselves and their loved ones from harm.

Priyanka Dutta

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