Kolkata Gets A Gallery On Climate Change-On The Edge?

A state-of-the-art gallery on Climate Change titled “On the Edge?” was inaugurated by Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Hon’ble Union Minister of Culture and Tourism, Government of India, at Science City, Kolkata. Also gracing the occasion was Dr. A. A. Mao, Director, Botanical Survey of India, Shri Sanjay Kaul, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, Shri A. D. Choudhury, Director General, NCSM, Shri Samarendra Kumar, DDG, NCSM, Shri Anurag Kumar, Director, Science City, Kolkata, and other guests.
This exhibit, which spans two storeys and 10,000 square feet, provides an immersive experience that emphasizes the urgent need for group action by fusing cutting-edge technology with a gripping narrative. Impact of Climate Change, Why is the Climate Changing?, and Mitigation and Adaptation are the three well-arranged components of the show. To interest and educate visitors, each section offers a thorough examination of important facets of the climate catastrophe, giving data, perspectives, and workable answers.

A huge 12 x 24 foot LED screen that acts as an interactive focal point is what sets the gallery apart. Visitors will be enthralled by this cutting-edge exhibit, which features interactive visualizations and simulations of climate patterns, impacts, and solutions. By allowing viewers to see the consequences of climate change firsthand, this immersive technology makes difficult scientific ideas interesting and approachable for people of all ages.
The exhibition’s other highlights include busting myths and proving climate change realities. Common misunderstandings are addressed throughout the exhibition, such as the idea that climate change is solely a natural occurrence. The exhibition also emphasizes how urgent the problem is, pointing out that humanity is getting closer to a point at which there is no turning back with each day that goes by without action. Additionally, it ends with a powerful call to action, stressing that the continuation of life on Earth rests on us taking action now. Visitors are urged to commit to a greener future through interactive platforms.

During the session, a folder and a movie about the gallery were also revealed. About 500 teachers and kids from different Kolkata schools came to the exhibition and the opening event. Through “On the Edge” guests will be motivated to act and contribute to the solution. The immersive and interactive experiences offered by the exhibition will enable people to make wise decisions and incorporate sustainable practices into their everyday lives.
Priyanka Dutta