Langos Bistro At Lake Mall Offers Traditional Langos For Patrons

Langos Bistro At Lake Mall Offers Traditional Langos For Patrons

Langos Bistro At Lake Mall Offers Traditional Langos For Patrons

Roy Food and Beverages Pvt. Ltd. has offered customers a farm-to-plate experience since it first entered the food industry, emphasizing the use of fresh ingredients and healthy cooking techniques. The company just opened a new restaurant, the Langos Bistro, in Kolkata’s Lake Mall.

A popular Hungarian dish called “Langos” is made of deep-fried flatbread dough that is topped with a variety of savory ingredients. The Langos Bistro at Lake Mall offers traditional Langos to Kolkatans with a special touch of complex toppings made in-house in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian categories. With softer dough and a considerably better flavor than typical pizza, the Langos served here are an excellent substitute.

Foods served by Roy Food & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. are renowned for being healthful, and delicious, and showcasing classic flavors with cutting-edge modern twists.

The Langos Bistro has extensive menu options including authentic deep-fried Langos, baked Langos, burgers, salads, and desserts, all being served either in the form of Langos or with Langos.

The innovative technology and unique cooking method would make it the brand possible to open outlets at multiple locations without compromising the hygiene and freshness of the products. The company plans to open at least 20 locations in the next six months and 50 more within the fiscal year 2023-2024.

The Langos Bistro can be characterized as a modern Langos Outlet serving an elaborate range of Langos in various flavors and avatars. Compared to other well-known Pizza restaurants in the area, the Langos Bistro’s offerings are entirely distinct.

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Priyanka Dutta

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