Lecture “Investing In People: Thoughts Of Tagore & Bangabandhu On Education” Organized

Lecture “Investing In People: Thoughts Of Tagore & Bangabandhu On Education” Organized

Lecture “Investing In People: Thoughts Of Tagore & Bangabandhu On Education” Organized



A thought-provoking lecture on “Investing In People: Thoughts Of Tagore & Bangabandhu On Education” was delivered to students by Chief Guest Dr. Atiur Rahman, Honorary Professor-Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, at Techno India Group, the largest private education organization in Eastern India. The fundamental goal of the lecture was to instill in the kids an attitude that values education, culture, and art as these great minds had originally intended.

Guest of Honour, HE Mr. Andalib Elias, Hon’ble Deputy High Commissioner for Bangladesh in Kolkata, Prof. Manoshi RoyChowdhury  Co-Chairperson-Techno India Group, Mr. Meghdut RoyChowdhury Executive Director & Chief Innovation Officer Techno India Group, Dr. Goutam Sengupta, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor-Techno India University, West Bengal took part in the session.

Given that education is the most valuable human legacy, learning has undergone significant changes over time, but its significance has permeated every aspect of our culture and educational system. Both Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, also known as Bangabandhu, and Kabuguru Rabindranath Tagore emphasized the importance of education in the socioeconomic growth of society.


“Life and education are inextricably linked. It is hardly possible to separate them. If education is built on human goals for good living and essential behaviors, it becomes effective. Technology can be the desired input for a more beneficial tool for human development if it is integrated into educational endeavors. This essential premise of human growth lies at the centre of Tagore and Bangabandhu’s educational ideas” said Dr. Atiur Rahman, Honorary Professor of the Department of Development Studies at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Every student had the opportunity to experience such heights because of a platform that the student and teacher shared. Prof. Atiur Rahman’s modest student, HE Mr. Andalib Elias, Hon’ble Deputy High Commissioner for Bangladesh, said he was grateful to have him as a mentor.

The session was attended by over 250 students in total, and it was beneficial for each one of them.

Priyanka Dutta

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