LOVE Carnival 2022 Organized By AlameebMediart Lab; Platform For New Artists To Showcase Their Talent

LOVE Carnival 2022 Organized By AlameebMediart Lab; Platform For New Artists To Showcase Their Talent

LOVE Carnival 2022 Organized By AlameebMediart Lab; Platform For New Artists To Showcase Their Talent


AlameebMediart Lab, an initiative by the George Telegraph Group organized LOVE Carnival 2022 for celebrating Valentine’s Day.  The fun-filled V-Day celebrations consisted of live music, dance performances, music video releases, and many more.

The event witnessed tribute to Late Lata Mangeshkar followed by a Music Album Release titled ‘Love is Divine’ by Avyc Dutta (Singer and Co-Founder of AlameebMediart Lab). The album was released in the presence of Subrata Dutta, MD of George Telegraph Group and Sr. VP-All India Football Federation, Singer Siddhartha Sankar Roy (aka Sidhu), Gaurab Chatterjee (aka Gaboo), Drummer of famous Band ‘Lakkhichara’.

‘Love is Divine’ is a song from the album “Buddha is a journey” by Avyc Dutta. This song talks about the extended features of love.

Avyc Dutta, Singer of the Music Video Album ‘Love is Divine’ and Co-Founder of AlameebMediart Lab said that the Love Carnival is a platform for budding artists to exhibit their love and passion towards their respective art forms. The pandemic has affected the lives and livelihood of many artists in the past two years. It has also helped realize the hidden talents of many artists.

Through this LOVE Carnival, the new artists from different disciplines can come forward and showcase their talent.

Priyanka Dutta

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