mjunction’s Special Plantation Campaign On World Environment Day

mjunction’s Special Plantation Campaign On World Environment Day

mjunction’s Special Plantation Campaign On World Environment Day

With deliberate efforts, mjunction services limited has improved rural livelihood in Bengal. Among its sustainability initiatives are planting trees, encouraging community planters, and running programmes for agro entrepreneurship.

Since 2019, mjunction has been planting trees, and in just five years, it has developed a forest in Jhargram. 13 acres of waste ground were unusable for cultivation until mjunction took action and planted more than 4500 trees to provide a green cover. Additionally, the mjunction ran orchard programmes to improve the farmer community’s cashew and mango production skills. Through these training sessions, the growers have gained knowledge about multi-cropping, intermittent farming, and other related topics. More than 350 producers have benefited from communal plantation training.

Additionally, mjunction has taught over 100 individuals through its Agricultural Entrepreneurship Programme, imparting expertise on sustainable agriculture methods to the participants. When combined, these projects have improved peoples’ quality of life and raised their standard of living overall.

On this World Environment Day, mjunction once again showed its dedication to sustainability by working with Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission Ashram to organise a plantation campaign. 15 staff members took part in planting 100 fruit tree saplings under the direction of Mr. Aninda Chatterjee, the Managing Trustee and CFO, along with senior officials from the mjunction and other trustees. This programme demonstrates the brand’s commitment to community development and environmental preservation.

Priyanka Dutta

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