Music Competition Smaran Pays Special Tribute To Musical Gurus

Music Competition Smaran Pays Special Tribute To Musical Gurus

Music Competition Smaran Pays Special Tribute To Musical Gurus

Riddhi Bandopadhyay Music Academy announced the all-Bengal music competition Smaran. This is the first year of this music competition.

A press conference to announce this competition was announced and was graced by Riddhi Bandopadhyay, Devjit Bandopadhyay, and others.

Smaran is a dedication to the Gurus. Often many music students forget their Gurus. To keep their contributions fresh in our minds, the music competition has been so named.


“I am grateful to my Gurus for whatever I have achieved in my music career. Smt Manju Gupta, Smt Krishna Chattopadhyay, Sri Sushil Chattopadhyay, and my mother Smt Rama Chatterjee are my gurus. My teachers have taught me diligently about the various aspects of music. They have treated me like their own kid and have also scolded me if I ever went wrong. But without my mother’s perseverance and dedication, I would not be able to learn music. I am forever grateful to all of them” said Riddhi Bandopadhyay.

The participant has to record their song and send it to the competition (Phone number-80174 89396 and email id- If they are selected, they will be informed.

The last date for submission to this competition is 15th July.

There is a nominal entry fee of Rs 300 for this music competition.


There will be two categories in which the participants can enter their names. One is Panchakobir Gaan and the other is Puratoni Gaan.

There will be two age groups in the competition- 15 to 30 years and 30 years and above. The second age group has been initiated so that people who are not so young can also take part and fulfill their dreams.

There will be four prizes in each category.

The grand final will take place on 28th September at Sarat Smriti Sadan.

If you are interested in showcasing your singing potential, participating in Smaran will be a good idea.

Priyanka Dutta

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