Narayana Hospital, Howrah’s Excellent Feat- Reattaches Severed Fingers

Narayana Hospital, Howrah’s Excellent Feat- Reattaches Severed Fingers

Narayana Hospital, Howrah’s Excellent Feat- Reattaches Severed Fingers

After a horrific accident, 48-year-old Mr. Ramesh Dutta (name changed) had his severed fingers successfully reattached by elite doctors at Narayana Hospital in Howrah. This is a great medical achievement. Under urgent circumstances, this intricate replantation procedure demonstrates the hospital’s state-of-the-art surgical skills and dedication to patient care.

At home, Mr. Dutta was washing his bike when an unexpected incident happened that left him without fingers. He was sent in serious condition right away to the emergency department of Narayana Hospital in Howrah. His condition was stabilized and he received immediate first aid from the emergency personnel. A skilled group of medical professionals, under the direction of Plastic and Microvascular Surgery Consultant Dr. Aditya Kanoi, promptly devised a strategy to replace the amputated fingers after realizing the extent of the damage.

The three-hour procedure necessitated exacting attention to detail to guarantee that the torn tissues were properly aligned and connected. Mr. Dutta was extensively observed following surgery to make sure his recovery was proceeding as planned. Throughout his five days in the hospital, every movement of his fingers was closely watched, and this monitoring persisted even after he was released to guarantee complete functional recovery.

“Managing amputated fingers appropriately is also essential to optimize the likelihood of a successful reattachment. After carefully cleaning the fingers with saline solution, sterile gauze should be wrapped over the fingers and sealed in a waterproof bag. The bag should then be placed on ice to keep it cool. Tissue injury may result from submerging them directly in ice or water. Immediate hospitalization is essential, ideally within six hours, as the chance of a successful reattachment declines dramatically beyond this timeframe” said Dr. Aditya Kanoi.

Apart from the positive outcome of the surgery, Narayana Hospital in Howrah stresses the significance of adopting preventive steps to avert such injuries. Severe injury risk can be considerably decreased with appropriate safety procedures and prompt medical assistance in the event of an accident.

Priyanka Dutta

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