Narayana Hospital’s World No Tobacco Day Events Focus On Protecting Children From Tobacco

Narayana Hospital’s World No Tobacco Day Events Focus On Protecting Children From Tobacco

Narayana Hospital’s World No Tobacco Day Events Focus On Protecting Children From Tobacco

In conjunction with Rise Above, Samaritan Help Mission, Shinning Earth Foundation, and the International Association for Human Values, Narayana Hospital, Howrah, and Chunavati effectively coordinated several programs to commemorate World No Tobacco Day. This event raised awareness of public health issues and emphasized the significance of quitting smoking.

A free health check-up camp was held at the Samaritan Help Mission Auditorium to kick off the festivities. This project began at 10 am after the rally started, and ten local NGOs were invited to take part. The camp provided the community with important health services at no cost by giving away free ECGs, lung function tests, and several other health exams.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) claims that tobacco is spreading like a virus among minors due to its alluring qualities and ease of access. Given the aforementioned problem, the World Health Organisation observes “World No Tobacco Day” on May 31 of each year. According to WHO, the subject for 2024 is “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference”. In keeping with this year’s theme, children were the target audience for the Narayan Hospitals, Howrah’s Health Check-up, and No Tobacco Rally/Walkathon. Two events drew a sizable crowd and targeted approximately 12,000 schoolchildren.

Additionally, a No Tobacco Day Rally was planned, which began at the Samaritan Help Mission, traveled through Howrah Maidan, formed a loop around Panchanantala, and ended there again. One hundred people committed to educating people about the harmful effects of smoking attended the event. Participants emphasized the value of leading a tobacco-free lifestyle and urged the public to commit to stopping smoking.

The occasion demonstrated how several organizations have successfully worked together to advance public health and reaffirm the importance of quitting smoking. These social and health organizations are still dedicated to creating a society free from tobacco use and better through such efforts and well-coordinated cooperation.

Priyanka Dutta

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