No Cause For Panic-Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee, Chairman GD Hospital & Diabetes Institute

No Cause For Panic-Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee, Chairman GD Hospital & Diabetes Institute

No Cause For Panic-Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee, Chairman GD Hospital & Diabetes Institute


Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee, Chairman, GD Hospital & Diabetes Institute said that people should not panic as the proportion of serious disease death is still low in India. “India is fighting against the virus valiantly and has been successful to prevent mass transmission of the disease. As we perform more tests, more silent carriers or asymptomatic carriers will come forward but we must remain calm. Compared to the 2,902 positive cases in India, the number of patients who have lost their lives to the disease is only 68. Any lost lives are a tragedy; however, we must remain positive and maintain vigilance, especially in the coming days. As India is going to enter Stage – 3, community transmission, the only prevention of Stage – 3 is lock down or social distancing and adhering to the ICMR guidelines”, said Dr. Mukherjee.

He also added, “The basic structure of treatment that is being carried out in West Bengal includes a physician, pulmonologist and an anesthetist, including the nursing staff. Following the government approved guidelines is of utmost importance but we also have to protect those who are on the frontlines of fighting the pandemic. The nurses and the doctors who are treating the virus-infected patients need to be given appropriate protection gears. And if any healthcare professional is exposed to the patients, they need to be quarantined for 14 days.”

The Novel Coronavirus has affected the entire world, according to the World Health Organization the number of positive cases in India is 2,301. However, India’s mortality count is remarkably low. With the tireless efforts from the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals and government officials West Bengal and other Indian states have been successful to prevent mass transmission and infection of the deadly disease. In West Bengal Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee is on the frontline of the fight against COVID-19.

Currently, the entire world is researching and trying to develop a cure against the deadly virus; an Indian drug Hydroxychloroquine is used globally to develop a cure. Along with Hydroxychloroquine, Protease Inhibitors that are used for HIV infection are being used in combination therapy to fight the disease. Organizations such as ICMR and World Health Organization are working tirelessly to keep the masses informed and educated about COVID-19, spread, severity, and cure. Doctors and healthcare workers all around the world are emphasizing on the importance of precaution; social distancing and self-isolation. Even so, people must remain positive and stand together with the world against the global crisis.

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