Panel Discussion On World Cancer Day Organized At Medica

Panel Discussion On World Cancer Day Organized At Medica

Panel Discussion On World Cancer Day Organized At Medica


World Cancer Day 2023 marks the second year of the three-year ‘Close the Care Gap’ campaign, which focuses on equity. This year’s efforts will center on establishing new alliances and bringing together the voices of like-minded individuals to make a powerful appeal.

The Oncology Department of Medica Superspecialty Hospital organized a panel discussion on World Cancer Day. It was attended by several specialty oncologists from Medica including Dr. Sourav Datta, Director of Medica Cancer Projects, and Dr. Subir Ganguly – Sr Consultant & Advisor Medica Oncology. In addition to the medical experts, Mr. Sajal Mitraa representative of Fight Cancer NGO, Mr. Nilendu Saha, from Kudiram Pathagar Beharampur NGO, Mr. R. Udayan Lahiry, Co-founder &Managing Director of Medica Hospitals Pvt Ltd, and Mr. Ayanabh DebGupta, Co-founder &Jt. Managing Director, Medica Hospitals Pvt Ltd was also present.

The panel discussion included participation from real-life cancer survivors and their families who overcame all difficulties, resisted all setbacks, including cultural pressures and financial hardships, and are currently fighting the disease.

As a responsible service provider, Medica, the fastest-growing healthcare business in Eastern India, is planning to build a top-notch cancer treatment facility in Kolkata, but it also believes that having only cutting-edge technologies will not provide a 360-degree approach to caregiving. Many people continue to be denied access to basic cancer care despite though we live in a time of remarkable advancements in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. Therefore, every carer must make effective attempts to close this gap.

Viewers were guided through clinically relevant themes throughout the panel discussion and interactive session, including advanced cancer management and identification, current developments in cancer patient and carer support, and other specialized treatment infrastructure at Medica Hospitals.

Cancer survivors and carers discussed their personal experiences, focusing on various strategies that helped them remain positive despite the already stressful and challenging encounters of accepting cancer treatment and caring for cancer patients. NGOs’ representatives who spoke on their behalf also shared information, resources, and their experiences with the audience.

The survivors, carers, and NGOs in attendance were honored by Medica at the conclusion of the conference for fighting cancer, triumphing over all obstacles, and continuing to hold onto hope.

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