PETA India’s Representative Dons Coat Made of ‘Baby’ Parts

PETA India’s Representative Dons Coat Made of ‘Baby’ Parts

PETA India’s Representative Dons Coat Made of ‘Baby’ Parts

In Kolkata on Friday, a representative of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India demonstrated wearing a coat made of baby parts in advance of Mother’s Day (May 14), holding a poster that read, “Everybody Is Somebody’s Baby: Go Leather-Free”. The campaign aims to increase public awareness of the mistreatment that animals experience prior to having their skins used to create clothing, accessories, and other products.

“People who’d never think of buying a coat made of the skin of human babies shouldn’t wear one made of the skin of cows or other sensitive animals who were tormented and slaughtered for their body parts. PETA India encourages everyone to choose only products made of vegan leather or other natural or synthetic animal-free fabrics and to remove all animal-derived items from their wardrobes,” said Radhika Suryavanshi, PETA India Campaigns Manager.

Cows, buffaloes, and other animals used for leather in India are often crammed into vehicles in such large numbers that their bones break. Slaughterhouse workers cut the throats of those who survive this ordeal in full view of other animals before dismembering and skinning them, often while they’re still conscious. Run-off from leather tanneries contaminates rivers and streams, harming all life there. Working in tanneries has also been linked to cancer, respiratory infections, and other illnesses in humans. 

Nearly all nationwide large shoe and clothing retailers offer vegan leather and other animal-friendly solutions. Handbags, shoes, apparel, accessories, furniture, and home décor created from vegan materials rather than those derived from animals, such as leather, silk, wool, fur, and feathers, are authenticated by the international “PETA-Approved Vegan” certification. The “PETA-Approved Vegan” logo is used by more than 1000 businesses globally to make it simple for ethical shoppers in India and other countries to recognize vegan goods at a glance.

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