Photography Exhibition With 60/40 Photographs Inaugurated At Birla Academy

Photography Exhibition With 60/40 Photographs Inaugurated At Birla Academy

Photography Exhibition With 60/40 Photographs Inaugurated At Birla Academy


World Photography Day is just around the corner. It is celebrated on 19th August every year. To celebrate World Photography Day, an exhibition of photographs of 60/40 size was inaugurated at Birla Academy.


Actress Sonalee Chowdhury, Moubani Sorcar, Atanu Paul, Anupam Halder, and others graced the inauguration ceremony.


Speaking at the event, Sonalee Chowdhury said “I remember vividly during my school days, my mother used to make me participate in drawing competitions. I used to come and sit and draw at Birla Academy at those competitions. Coming here for inaugurating this exhibition brought back that memory”.

According to Third Eye founder Atanu Pal, this is for the first time that an exhibition with 60/40 photographs has been organized.


Atanu Pal and 16 other artists’ works have been showcased in this exhibition.

Moubani Sorcar expressed her joy and happiness to be a part of the inaugural ceremony. The actress went through the exhibition and watched the artworks with much enthusiasm.


The exhibition will continue till 21st August from 3 pm to 8 pm.

Priyanka Dutta

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