Press Meet Organized on World Asthma Day To Break Myths Around Inhalation Therapy

Press Meet Organized on World Asthma Day To Break Myths Around Inhalation Therapy

Press Meet Organized on World Asthma Day To Break Myths Around Inhalation Therapy


With the primary aim to dispel myths and fears regarding asthma and encourage those affected by this condition to live a life without limits, on World Asthma Day, a press meet was organized to eliminate the stigma around inhalation therapy and make it more socially acceptable.

The reasons for the prevalence of asthma can be attributed to air pollution to the increase in air particulate matters, smoking, incorrect treatment in children, seasonal variations causing viral infections such as common flu and largely ignorance amongst parents.

It is very significant to change the perception towards Asthma and Inhalation Therapy. While inhalation treatment can play a crucial role in reducing the impact of asthma on people’s lives, compliance is crucial. Inhaled medicines help to deliver the drugs directly to the lungs. But the patients need to adopt the treatment as they are prescribed in order to get the full benefit. Inhalation therapy works to control asthma by preventing & relieving symptoms and reducing flare-ups, but they will work if patients work in partnership with their GP and take them in the way they are prescribed.

Ongoing education is of paramount importance in chronic diseases like asthma. This is precisely where #BerokZindagi will lead to “Winning against Asthma” and will enable patients to participate and have a more effective role in their own treatment, working together with doctors to achieve optimal inhaler use and disease control, thereby living life to the fullest.

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