Press Meet Organized to Strengthen Ties Between India and Fiji

In the presence of H.E. Mr Yogesh Punja, High Commissioner of the Republic of Fiji to India, Mr Harsh Vardhan patodia, Hony Consul of the Republic of Fiji, Kolkata, Mr Madhav Sureka, Sr Vice President, Calcutta Chamber of Commerce and others, a press meet was organized to strengthen ties between the two countries, India and Fiji.
Since the visit of PM Narendra Modi to Fiji on 2014, the relationship between the two countries has developed even better. Now the two countries are engaged in building a modern partnership on the foundations of these cultural and historical linkages.
Tourism and sugar are two of the most important industries in Fiji. This was highlighted in the discussion. India has already approved US$ 55.78 million under Line of Credit (LOC) to Fijian sugar industry.
India has also provided tractors, sugarcane harvesters and agricultural implements to the Fiji Sugar Corporation and Fijian Agriculture Ministry.
Around 37% of the population comprises of Indo-Fijians, the current generation of Indo-Fijians takes ample pride in their connection with India and serves as a valuable branch to enhance bilateral ties between the two nations.
Priyanka Dutta