Prithvi 2024- Excellent Science Fest At SPK Jain Futuristic Academy

SPK Jain Futuristic Academy successfully organized Prithvi 2024, its first science fest. To highlight the wonders of science and encourage upcoming innovators, the event was a lavish celebration of curiosity, discovery, and creativity.
Exciting exhibitions, interactive workshops, and outstanding science projects made by the children were all part of the festival. The intention was to inspire youngsters to embrace the wonders of science and to spread the love of study. With great enthusiasm, the young scientists and inventors from different schools presented their original concepts and creations.

Mr. Abhinav Chandra, Director of the Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management, attended the event. His words of wisdom and support motivated the attendees.
“The extraordinary potential of our kids and their love of science are demonstrated at Prithvi 2024. We wanted to give young people a place to explore, create, and support one another through this festival. We are honored to support the upcoming generation of innovators and thinkers, and the reaction has been tremendous” said Dr. Jayeeta Ganguly, Principal of SPK Jain Futuristic Academy.

SPK Jain Futuristic Academy launched “Prithvi” as a way to encourage group learning and encourage creative thinking in young people. The occasion gave pupils a chance to showcase their inventiveness and investigate the limitless potential of science.

The academy reached a major milestone with the success of Prithvi 2024, demonstrating its dedication to encouraging a spirit of wonder and discovery among the students.
Priyanka Dutta