Pushpa Veena Introduced by Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya at The India International Guitar Festival

Pushpa Veena Introduced by Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya at The India International Guitar Festival

Pushpa Veena Introduced by Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya at The India International Guitar Festival


Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya, who is often called the best slide guitarist in the world, introduced his latest musical instrument, the ‘Pushpa Veena’ to the world at the India International Guitar Festival.

In a world where traditional music is attracting lesser listeners, students and musicians, Pushpa Veena has emerged from the urge to fill up this void and strengthen the traditional music world.

Eminent personalities like Mr Debashish Kumar, Hon’ble Mayor In Council, Pandit Ajay Chakraborty and Pandit Tanmoy Bose among others graced the occasion.


Musical performances by the artists Parupalli Phalgun, Pandit Anindo Chatterjee and Vidwan Shashank Subhramanium left the audience asking for more.

The ‘Pushpa Veena’ is an acoustic instrument, which is a scale up version of all the previous creations of Pandit Debasish Bhattacharya – Chaturangui, Anandi and Gandharvi. It represents the ancient art of classical and folk music of the world as well as India and Asia at this time, when the appreciation of Classical, Spiritual and Folk music is fading away. The sound and energy generated by the strings and structure of the Veena is connected to Vedic, Buddhist and other older schools of art and musical spirit. The 25 stringed Veena is played with slide keeping it upon one’s lap.

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