Screening Of First And Second Episode Of Web Series Kholam Kuchi

Screening Of First And Second Episode Of Web Series Kholam Kuchi

Screening Of First And Second Episode Of Web Series Kholam Kuchi


The first and second episode of Uribaba’s web series ‘Kholam Kuchi’ was screened.

Kholam Kuchi is a series directed by Saurav Palodhi.


The cast of the series consists of Anindya Sengupta, Sreya Bhattacharyya, Arpita Ghosh, Senjuti Roy Mukherjee, Kripabindu Chowdhury, Sulagna Nath, Sucharita Manna, and Subhankar Ghatak.

The series has been written by Soumit Deb and Saurav Palodhi.


The music of the series has been composed by Debdeep Mukherjee. The songs have been sung by Debdeep Mukherjee and Tarishi Mukherjee.

The story of the series is about a small town would be a couple, with completely opposite characteristics. They decide to live before getting married to test their compatibility. What follows next?


Speaking about the series, the director said that the series is a social satire. This is the story that happens in our daily lives. It is nothing uncommon and the audiences will be able to relate to it.

The series was released on 22nd July 2022 on the Uribaba YouTube channel.

Priyanka Dutta

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