Second Store of Central Inaugurated in Place of Iconic Metro Cinema, Kolkata

Central’s second store in Kolkata was inaugurated at Esplanade in the place of the iconic Metro cinema.
The store was inaugurated in the presence of Vishnu Prasad, CEO, Central and Manish Agarwal, CEO, East Zone.
The iconic Metro cinema has been renovated to suit the needs of the customers. But special care has been taken so that the heritage of the building is retained.
500 high end brands and 10000 styles displayed in high definition and latest trends, the store is the perfect destination for the shoppers.
The new store is spread over an area of 50000 square feet and four floors.
A men’s wear section, a women’s wear section, a shoe section are some of the major sections in which the new store has been divided.
Fashion stylists, fashion attendants, mother’s room and various other unique services will be provided to the customers visiting this store.
At present there are 44 Central stores present in 25 cities.
Priyanka Dutta