Simple Monsoon Recipe: Sweet Potato And Sago Kheer By Chef Roopa Nabar

Simple Monsoon Recipe: Sweet Potato And Sago Kheer By Chef Roopa Nabar

Simple Monsoon Recipe: Sweet Potato And Sago Kheer By Chef Roopa Nabar

With the monsoon in full swing, simple recipes that can be made at home are much in demand. Here is a simple recipe that you can make at home and enjoy during the rainy season.

Recipe- Sweet potato and Sago Kheer


2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled, boiled, and cut into cubes

½ cup sago, soaked for 2 hours

4 cups milk

2 tablespoons ghee

½ cup sugar

¼ cup cashew nuts for garnishing

¼ cup raisins for garnishing

½-1 teaspoon green cardamom powder


  1. Heat ghee in a Prestige Omega Deluxe Granite Kadai / Pan. Add sweet potatoes, mix, and cook on high heat for a minute. Remove from heat and transfer to a bowl.
  2. Heat milk in another Prestige Omega Deluxe Granite Kadai / Pan and cook on low heat till reduced. Add sago, mix, and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add sautéed sweet potatoes, mix and cook for 5 minutes. Add sugar, mix, and cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Add cashew nuts, raisins, and cardamom powder, mix, and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Serve hot garnished with cashew nuts and raisins.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 40 minutes

Serves: 4

Recipe by Chef Roopa Nabar, TTK Prestige

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