Stars Night Season 4- Amazing Showcase Of Glamour & Goodwill

Stars Night Season 4- Amazing Showcase Of Glamour & Goodwill

Stars Night Season 4- Amazing Showcase Of Glamour & Goodwill

High Hopes Entertainment organized Stars Night Season 4 at ITC Sonar, Kolkata.

It was a lavish gathering that showcased glamour, and goodwill.

Bollywood actor Rahul Roy and Saurav Hariyanvi, a renowned actor, producer, and director, graced the event.

The event was attended by ministers, police officers, business moguls, actors, and celebrities.

Highlights of the event were:

Dazzling Beauty Pageant

Prestigious Business Awards

Special Appearances by Bollywood Celebrities

Support for Charitable Causes

Through this event, High Hopes Entertainment aimed to make a meaningful impact on society.

Priyanka Dutta

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