Sudha Chandran Received Strength From Her Father’s Support After Her Amputation

Sudha Chandran Received Strength From Her Father’s Support After Her Amputation

Sudha Chandran Received Strength From Her Father’s Support After Her Amputation


Sudha Chandran and her father shared a surreal relationship. The actress claims that her father’s teachings shaped her and that his guidance greatly influenced the way she is today.

Sudha was involved in an accident a few years ago that, regrettably, required the amputation of her leg. The actress, however, found immense strength from her father’s understanding and support, which helped her cope with this loss.

 “My father bestowed upon me the two biggest awards. The first honor I received came as I lay in the hospital recovering from my amputation when he approached me and said, “I shall be that leg you will lose.” My father responded, “I don’t know how long I will live with my dear daughter, but I will pray to God that he gives me that long life that I shall make you successful. When I asked him how long, he gave me a commitment that only after I reach the pinnacle of success should he depart from this world. And he kept his end of the bargain when he made it to me” said the actress.

When she danced for the first time with her artificial limb, she received the second award. When he returned home following the performance and touched her feet, she asked, “Dad, what are you doing?” And he added, “Sudha, I am not prostrating before my daughter; rather, I am touching the feet of Lord Saraswati, who rules over your legs.” The biggest tribute her father ever gave me, she believed, was this.

She continues, “I think 365 days would be less, so I don’t think I would need a special day to talk about my father. My father is my first hero. My father introduced me to the idea of hero-worship, and before long I was receiving his full attention and training”.


Sudha continues, “I still remember, I always wanted to become like him. I always wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps. He was an extremely straightforward, honest, and professionally dedicated individual in everything he did. He taught me valuable lessons like to keep working hard and not to expect rewards; they will come to you, and I am so grateful that I was able to follow in his footsteps. He taught me to always follow talent instead of money because if you are talented, money will come your way. He advised me to always say, “Thank you, God, you at least provided for the necessities of my life,” rather than, “God, I don’t have these things in my life.”

 She adds, “I lost him last year. And since then, there has been a very big vacuum in my life. But that was the day that I promised him before he left this house I said that I will continue to walk on the path that you dreamt for me. And till I meet you again, I promise you that. I shall never ever betray that you have laid down for me and I shall continue to do that. It’s not a moment that I don’t think about my father.”

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