TAVI Now-Kolkata Chapter Created Forum For Discussion On TAVI

TAVI Now-Kolkata Chapter Created Forum For Discussion On TAVI

TAVI Now-Kolkata Chapter Created Forum For Discussion On TAVI


Trans Aortic Valve Implantation/ Replacement or TAVI/TAVR is an interventional procedure for repairing the heart valves. TAVI Now- Kolkata Chapter took a step toward creating a forum for discussing and learning about the latest procedures and scientific advances in the field of TAVI.

Dr. P. K. Hazra and Dr. Dilip Kumar addressed the press and highlighted some of the important advancements in this field.

Some of the symptoms of defective cardiac valves are shortness of breath, weakness, palpitation, and others. However, there are some patients with Valve Stenosis who feels no symptoms at all. If the valve-related problems are neglected, it can lead to sudden cardiac death or may faint.

According to Dr. Hazra, conventionally cardiac valve repairing was done through open-heart surgery. This is not done for high-risk and aged patients. However, with the use of interventional procedures like TAVI, cardiac valve repairing can be done for all patients.


In this procedure, a stent device is implanted in the defective cardiac valve through the catheter as a replacement. The catheter is entered through the groove.

Since this is an interventional procedure, no blood loss will occur and the patient can recover quickly to return back to his natural life.

This procedure is also successful on an eighty-year-old patient, chronic diabetes, and dialysis patients.

With TAVI, patients of any age group can get rid of cardiac valve problems.

Priyanka Dutta

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