“This Is The 1st Time That I Play The Same Character In Play & A Film”-Anirban Bhattacharya

“This Is The 1st Time That I Play The Same Character In Play & A Film”-Anirban Bhattacharya

“This Is The 1st Time That I Play The Same Character In Play & A Film”-Anirban Bhattacharya

The trailer launch of the upcoming Bengali film Athhoi was graced by the cast and crew of the film.

The film is adapted from William Shakespeare’s play Othello.

Director Arna Mukhopadhyay portrays Dr. Athhoi Lodha (Othello), while Sohini Sarkar brings life to the lively and astute figure of Diya, who is reminiscent of Desdemona. As the film’s creative director, Anirban Bhattacharya plays the mysterious Gogo, evoking the Iago from Shakespeare’s original play.

“I have not done the play for many years. I have done it for 5 to 6 shows. As a result, when I came to do the film, I did not have any baggage of working in the play. I did not bring that with me. I worked as per the script and the demand of the director. I had a basic idea about the role and that helped me a lot to portray the role” said Sohini Sarkar.


Actress Mimi Dutta expressed her gratitude to the makers for selecting her for this film. “I have been working for a long time. And I am grateful to the makers for considering me for this difficult role. This is not a role that I have portrayed before. This is something very different. Without the cooperation of the cast, I would not have been able to do this role” said the actress.

Anirban Bhattacharya said “We have been doing this play from 2016. This play has not only given me more popularity as an actor but has also enriched me as well. So when this play was going to be made into a play, I was much excited. I have never portrayed a character from a play for the big screen. This is a first and I was so looking forward to it”.


Director Arna Mukhopadhyay said that the soul of the play and the soul of the film remains the same. “What has changed is the fact that the play has been going on for the past many years. Changes have happened in our society. It has become more bad and we also have become bad. These changes have been showcased in the film” said the director.

The film is releasing on 14th June.

Priyanka Dutta

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