Two Healthy Recipes To Make During Lock Down

Two Healthy Recipes To Make During Lock Down

Two Healthy Recipes To Make During Lock Down


From salads and juices to sandwiches and rice bowls, Mint is a perfect health food joint for the gym goers and the health enthusiasts. The food joint has come up with some healthy food options during your stay at home. Have a look.

Carrot Ginger Detox


 Carrot juice cold pressed – 300 ml

 Basil – 2 grams

 Ginger – 3 grams

 Half of a lemon juice

 A pinch of salt

 Ice as per requirement


 Put everything in a mixer grinder

 Grind it well

 Crush ice and put in the glass

 Pour the Detox mixture in it and serve

Broccoli and Tossed Almond Salad


 Iceberg lettuce 50 grams

 Broccoli 100 grams

 Almond 10 grams

 Flaxseed 5 grams

 Fresh Cream 2 tsp

 Honey 1 tsp

 Chilli flakes and oregano as per taste

 Lemon juice

 Salt and pepper as per taste

 Extra virgin olive oil 15 ml


 Toss the almond in a pan

 Cut the broccoli and the lettuce into small pieces

 Take a mixing a bowl

 Add all the ingredients in it

 Mix it well and serve cold

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