Unique Contest at Panchamer Adday to Celebrate Mother’s Day

Unique Contest at Panchamer Adday to Celebrate Mother’s Day

Unique Contest at Panchamer Adday to Celebrate Mother’s Day


Panchamer Adday pays tribute to mothers in a most unique way. A mother is someone who works relentlessly to ensure your health and safety. Hence it is very important to celebrate the most important person in our lives. The ongoing Coronavirus may keep us locked in our homes but that must not keep us away from celebrating Mother’s Day.

Panchamer Adday has come up with a wonderful contest to acknowledge our mothers and the millions of happy moments they gift us. Through this interesting contest, they plan to pay a tribute to every mother around us.

The contest will mainly be an interactive one, where they will urge each one of us to share our special ‘Moments’ with our mothers- a special memory, a special object, a special gift or maybe a special song, you can share anything that you hold dear to yourself. The winner will get a wonderful lunch date with the mother at the comfort of their homes. Yes, they will deliver their lip-smacking food at your doorstep so you can celebrate the special day with your mom.

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