Webinar Celebrity Life: Success Vs Failure Organized by Adamas University

Webinar Celebrity Life: Success Vs Failure Organized by Adamas University

Webinar Celebrity Life: Success Vs Failure Organized by Adamas University


The School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies, Adamas University organized a webinar titled Celebrity Life: Success VS Failure. The panelists for the webinar were actor Deboleena Dutta, Director Soumik Sen, Model Apsara Guha Thakurta, Actor-Director-Producer Ashok Viswanathan, Psychologist Dr. Anuttama Banerjee and Actor Sameer Sharma. The renowned faces came together to deliberate upon the causes leading up to such drastic actions as suicide and also what are the ways available to counter the negative impacts of the industry at large.

The webinar began with the School of Liberal Arts & Culture Studies, Adamas University Dean Prof. Mrityunjoy Chatterjee introducing the topic. Ms. Deboleena Dutta was the first speaker who started the session with her own personal experience on nepotism, stardom and fame. The session also saw the presence of actors like Ashok Viswanathan and Sameer Sharma who agreed with Ms. Dutta and said these factors regularly affected the lives and work of all in the glam world. Director Soumik Sen stressed on hard work and patience to fight the negative influences. Ms Apsara Guha Thakurta agreed that she had faced such traits in her life but had taken these in her stride and never allowed these to dampen her spirits. Psychologist Anuttama Banerjee stressed on regular working out of the mind as well and not let negative feelings and depression dominate.

The panel agreed that failure, nepotism, exploitation, victimization, favoritism and vulnerability are integral parts of Celebrity Lives. The mantra for success however lay in overcoming these challenges.

The panelists suggested celebrities and budding talents to resort to “mental gyming” to deal with the pressure and expectations of success while balancing them with talent, hard work and patience.

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