Yogamahotsav At Orchids The International School

Yogamahotsav At Orchids The International School

Yogamahotsav At Orchids The International School

Orchids The International School celebrated International Yoga Day. Students from Grades 1 through 8 participated in a fantastic event at the Orchids The International School called the Yogamahotsav where they displayed their yoga prowess and promoted health and wellness. As the children taught the teachers yoga asanas, the event, which took place on the school grounds, attracted a lot of attention. This program sought to promote physical and mental well-being among professors and students by fostering healthy behaviors.

As the program went on, the focus switched to Grades 6 through 8, who assumed the position of instructors. The pupils led their teachers through progressively difficult yoga positions, showcasing their knowledge and leadership. The professors enthusiastically embraced the chance to learn from their kids after being amazed by their abilities and passion. It empowered both sides, fostered respect for one another, and strengthened the school community as a whole.

All attendees agreed to practice yoga every day for at least 15 minutes as a way to remember the occasion. The promise demonstrates their dedication to living a healthy lifestyle and serves as a reminder of the benefits of yoga for both physical and emotional well-being. The school community is actively working towards a healthy future by incorporating yoga into their everyday schedule.

Priyanka Dutta

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