Annual Conference ISECON 2019 Organized; Focus on New Techniques of Electrocardiology

Annual Conference ISECON 2019 Organized; Focus on New Techniques of Electrocardiology

Annual Conference ISECON 2019 Organized; Focus on New Techniques of Electrocardiology


The annual conference of Indian Society of Electrocardiology-ISECON 2019 was organized recently in Kolkata.

Dr Rabin Chakraborty, Organizing Secretary of ISECON 2019, Dr S. B. Gupta, Founder member and chief advisor of the Indian Society of Electrocardiology and others graced the press conference.

It has been seen that many people die suddenly or collapse during travelling. These happen due to cardiac arrhythmias.

500 participants were present in this annual conference.

In the conference, heart rhythm and ECG experts from all over India and discussed how a simple ECG can detect a potential cause of sudden death in a normal person. Lot of new techniques for heart failure treatment, sudden death preventions, special techniques of pacemaker implantations and other such life saving techniques were discussed by the eminent electrophysiologists present at the conference.

Special sessions on how fatal cardiac arrhythmias may cause sudden death of people who have had bad habits of snoring while in sleep (Sleep Apnoea). How to avoid those complications were also discussed.

15 academic sessions and a two hours practical workshop on cardiac life support management titled Hands on were organized.

Since there is a significant shortage of Cardiac Electrophysiologists or heart rhythm specialists in India, the knowledge and understanding of ECG and heart rhythm disorders among physicians will be amply improved by such conferences.

Priyanka Dutta

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