Freedom For All: Animal Rights Activists Unite In Kolkata For A Unique Campaign

Freedom For All: Animal Rights Activists Unite In Kolkata For A Unique Campaign

Freedom For All: Animal Rights Activists Unite In Kolkata For A Unique Campaign

Animal rights advocates congregated in Kolkata outside Sealdah Railway Station for the remarkable event “Freedom For All”. This innovative campaign tried to raise awareness about the value of allowing animals the freedom they genuinely deserve. This campaign acted as a clarion call to acknowledge animals’ fundamental right to freedom in a world where they frequently bear the brunt of human exploitation for purposes such as food, clothing, and entertainment. The event promoted adopting veganism, which is not only a way of eating but also an important social justice movement for animals, in order to end animal exploitation.

Vegans refrain from using or exploiting animals in any way and don’t eat things made from animals, such as dairy and honey. Animal products should not be consumed because humans can survive on a plant-based diet. A sizable body of peer-reviewed research supports this and attests to the viability and health advantages of surviving on a plant-based diet. Passionate activists assembled at the event with captivating banners and showed the plight of fish by enclosing themselves in metaphorical nets. 

Videos of typical business practices used by industries that exploit animals were shown by activists. The majority of people are unaware of the common practices used by enterprises that exploit animals. Imagine that the initial stage in the dairy industry is to artificially inseminate cows or buffaloes. When their calves are born, they are removed from them, and the male calves, which are seen as byproducts, are sold for veal.

Participants raised their voices collectively through enthusiastic slogans as well as held placards bearing strong messages supporting animal rights. The event emphasized engaging dialogues with spectators as activists worked to raise awareness of the moral ramifications of animal mistreatment. Through “Freedom For All,” the organization hopes to inspire debates that question the status quo and deeply ingrain a sense of responsibility towards animals.

Priyanka Dutta

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