JB Pharma Decreases Price Of Critical Heart Failure Medicine AZMARDA By Nearly 50%

JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (JB Pharma) has announced a significant price cut of almost 50% for the life-saving Azmarda medication. Heart failure, which affects 8 to 12 million individuals nationwide, is advised for Azmarda, which contains the proprietary chemical Sacubitril-Valsartan. Azmarda (Sacubitril-Valsartan®), 50 mg, will now cost INR 39.6 per tablet as opposed to INR 78 before the price cut. With almost one crore hypertensive people, West Bengal has a 22% prevalence of hypertension. And one of the main risk factors for heart failure is hypertension. The price cut will boost affordability, enabling West Bengal residents to obtain treatment for heart failure.
The overall monthly treatment cost will drop from INR 4500 to INR 2200 as a result of this action. The HF medication also aids in lowering hospitalization expenses by at least INR 1,000,000. Consumers can purchase the medicine with a lower MRP starting in December 2022.
Chronic heart failure occurs when the heart’s ability to pump blood is compromised. It is a chronic, progressive syndrome marked by a decline in quality of life and functional status. Blood frequently pools, causing fluid to accumulate in the legs and lungs (congestion). Shortness of breath and swelling in the legs and feet might result from fluid accumulation. According to estimates, 8 to 12 million individuals in the nation struggle with heart failure. it often remains undiagnosed and patients become aware of it at the last stage.
Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, Medica Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Kolkata, Prof Dr. Rabin Chakraborty, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist, Medica Superspecialty Hospital, Kolkata, and others graced the press conference.
The doctors highlighted the differences between heart attack and heart failure at the press conference. A heart attack happens when there is a blood clot that blocks the flow of blood to the heart. Without blood, the tissue does not get oxygen and dies.
Heart failure occurs when the muscle of the heart does not pump blood in the best way possible.
For avoiding such heart problems, one should engage in regular exercises, shed extra weight, avoid stress, limit the intake of salt, consume a healthy diet and quit smoking and drinking.
By following these steps, one can lead a healthy life and combat heart problems.
Priyanka Dutta