Kuntal Chatterjee’s Album Bade Acche Lagte Hain Released

Singer Kuntal Chatterjee recently released an album” Bade Acche Lagte Hain”.
Kuntal Chatterjee belongs from Kolkata but currently lives in London and Germany. Kuntal is an associate Vice President BD and Strategy and is based out of London now. He has never learnt singing but it is his passion. His channel in YouTube can be found just by clicking ‘Kuntalunplugged’ or ‘Kuntal Chatterjee’. Kuntal has done projects with Kolkata Videos, Kroonerz, Ampliify Times, Cozmik Harmony and have recorded professional videos at Film City Mumbai (Whistling Woods Studio which came under Sony Label).
‘Bade Acche Lagte Hain’ was already recorded in a studio at Kolkata and it was done with musicians like Tapas Dutta and Nil from Musica for an online worldwide launch that happened on Sep 20, 2019.