Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah Completes 100 Robotic Surgeries In A Year

Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah Completes 100 Robotic Surgeries In A Year

Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah Completes 100 Robotic Surgeries In A Year


Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah completed 100 robotic surgeries successfully with the aid of the 4th Gen Da Vinci. This feat was completed in one year by the super specialty hospital.

This achievement was announced at a press conference and it was graced by Dr. Kaustav Basu, Dr. Tarun Jindal, and Dr. Suman Mallik.

Robotic surgeries were beneficial in treating critical ailments like Gynaecology Cancer, Urology Cancer, Gastro Cancer, Thoracic Cancer, and many more.

There are multiple benefits of robotic surgery. They are as follows:

  • Less pain
  • Minimum blood loss
  • Small scars
  • Low risk for side-effects
  • Fast recovery
  • Shorter stay at the hospital

With the help of robotic surgeries, tissues and organs can be saved and the tumor is targeted and removed precisely.

Narayana Superspeciality Hospital aims to continue providing such amazing services to the patients and also popularize robotic surgeries in this part of India.

Priyanka Dutta

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