Sudeep Ranjan Sarkar’s Films Creates Waves in World Cinema

Great change is happening in the world of cinema. When big movies with superstars are failing to make it big at the box office, often small budget movies are doing well. Parallel cinema which is also known as art film is also gasping to make their presence felt. Everyone wants to be a film maker these days.
With the great popularity of the web series on the various platforms, many makers are prone to making such films for the audience. In the midst of this situation, film maker Sudeep Ranjan Sarkar have maintained his calm and made five films which are different from the ongoing trend. One of his films have released also. His films do not fall in any genre. He is also a poet and a painter too.
He has kicked up a storm by making two stunning feature movies using just an iphone, that has set Professor Karl Bardosh of New York University, Film studies, popularly known as the father of smart phone cinema and the mentor of Sean Baker of Tangerine fame to take a keen interest in him. Sudeep Ranjan Sarkar is a rising storm in the vast arena of World cinema.
It is uncertain how many of his films will release in India because of their content. However the best way to watch these gems is with the help of VOD services. He is currently working on his next three projects, one of them to be shot entirely in USA.